Thursday, April 26, 2007

Our real summer plans

Obviously, these plans are tentative, but, this should give you an idea of what we'll be doing this summer.

May 25, sell house
may 25-30, hang out in boulder area with Amy & Eric
May 30-June 2, climb in South Dakota around Mt Rushmore
June 2-5 Hang out in Gaylord Michigan with family
June6-7 Hang out in Kalamazoo Michigan with Angela & Justin
June 8-11 climb/camp at the New River Gorge with friends
June 12- hang out in NC with friends & family,
June 15-17 Ashley flies to KC for Jen's wedding
June 27-30 drive to the Keys in Florida to visit family
July 1-4 Drive to Jackson TN
July8, leave for the NW roadtrip. Spend a few days climbing at City of Rocks, Idaho (july 8-11), visit friends in Portland (July 12), Backpack in Olympic NP (July 13-15), Visit Nelson in Seattle, Backpack in the North Cascades (July 16-19), climb and bike in squamish and whistler (July 19-23), then stay a week in Banff NP (July 23-29). Drive through Glacier NP (July 29-30), the Tetons(July 30-31), then climb at (aug. 1-4)Wild Iris or Tensleep in Wyoming.
Aug. 5, try to make it to Keystone for Justin & Krista's wedding.

August 20? Fly to Thailand, explore the beaches of southern thailand, then make our way to Chiang Mai
Sept. 10, YWAM DTS Chiang Mai starts. this stands for Youth With a Mission, Discipleship Training School. It is a missionary training school for 5 months. it includes a lot of time in a classroom, and a lot of time doing outreach activities in Northern Thailand and China. It will be a good opportunity for exposure to lots of different things (orphanage work, building projects, and many other outreach activities)
Visit Tim & Joann in Guam
Feb. Stay in Northern Thailand, try to get settled a little, learn the language, and start trying to figure out what, how, and where we could serve most effectively.
November 2008. Return to America to visit for Christmas

Monday, April 23, 2007

1 month to go

So, we now have a skype name. It is jonathanashleywallace. have you heard of skype. it is an easy cheap way to call internationally from your computer. cool. I just called ashley from this computer for 2.1 cents per minute. would have been cooler if she wasn't in the same room. Another cool thing is if you had a skype name, you could call me from your computer for free, if we were both on the internet & skype & somewhere in the WORLD.


We're getting excited to get outta this crazy town. A lot of stuff has come together, and a lot is left to do.

See ya.