Saturday, December 8, 2007

We're still in thailand

The last 2 weeks have been pretty typical. We talked about relationships for 1 week. Last week we talked a little about Worldview. We’ve also spent a lot of time getting ready to go on “outreach”. We’ve learned a few new dramas and dances to use as entertainment and tool to share the gospel.
Last Saturday, Jonathan went to Chiang Mai and ate Mexican food with a couple guys. It was good, even though the meal was 10 times as expensive as the typical Thai meal. He had a burrito, plate of nachos, and a lot of salsa. It was a little reminder of home. Meanwhile Ashley went to Kwan’s Lisu village, Chiang Dao. We were able to attend their church service and to share a scripture. Since the village had just celebrated Harvest, we read James 1:17-18 that confirms everything that is good and perfect comes to us from God, who created the heavens and earth. In His goodness He chose to make us His children and choice possession. Ashley played with the local kids at an abandoned school while Kwan and her sister sewed Kwan’s outfit for our dances.

Lamphun Outreach
The school divided up into 3 groups for the final outreach trip. 1 group is going to Phetchabun, 1 to a village in the Chiang Rai province, and our group is going to Lamphun province, just south of Chiang Mai. We will spend most of time in or near the town of Li.
There is a pastor in Li that we are going to help. He says that in that area, there are 5 villages that have churches that were built by a Korean missionary. One of these churches has only 2 families, one has no Christians. So, we are going to go to these villages for the next 7 weeks and try to encourage the Christians in any way we can. I think we will actually be sleeping in the church in Li for most of the time.

We leave this Saturday, December 15 and will come back on February 2. We’ll get one day off per week to get on the internet or make a few phone calls.