Sunday, July 8, 2007

We're Home

The sight of the Rocky Mountains was VERY welcome after driving through all of kansas & eastern Colorado. It definitely feels like home, to look out the window and see the Flatirons. It's hard not to be motivated to go run or climb or bike when everywhere you look you see mountains. It also felt like home to go back to Flatirons Community Church. After visiting churches in Michigan, NC, and TN, it was nice to come back to Flatirons Church. We've heard better preaching, been in nicer buildings, but Flatirons just seems like home to us.

We visited Ashley's Mom in Hermann and her dad, step-mom and sister in Kansas City, and have been in beautiful Boulder for 1 full day. Tomorrow, we'll get an oil change and drive to City of Rocks in Idaho. We'll be back in Boulder around August 5 for Justin and Krista's wedding.

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