Sunday, August 26, 2007

Tonsai at Railay Thailand

Here we aer, at the ton sai bungalow resort just a 30 second walk from the beach, climbing, & restaurants. The climbing here is good and fun and steep and also very humid. It is fun to climb completely on a stalagtite or tufa, very different than the US. From our porch we can watch the waves crash, climbers climb, & monkeys fight in teh trees. Ton Sai is very relaxing and laid back. Very different from where we came, at Koh Phi Phi Don.
We arrived at the Phuket airport after 2 day of travelling, but our bags didn't make it. So, we stayed at Nai Yang beach near the airport for 2 days to wait for our bags. We watched kitesurfers, rented a motorbike for 6$ and rode all over teh place. We got our first ticket because we didn't know you neeeded a helmet. It cost $15 and a 6km ride to the police station. We also picked up some helmets. We met a man at dinner that night who just became a christian this week, and he told us his tsunami excperience. It was his day off from work at Khao Lak beach, but everyone he worked with died that day. Now, you don't see many effects of the tsunami, but I'm sure there are many stories like his.
Finally our bags showed up, well, almost, all but ashley's clothes, so we took off for the island of Kho Phi Phi Don, the most densely populated area we've ever been too. We climbed a little, sweated a lot, and played b. volleyball with Joy (a Thai "girl" who hit and jumped like a man) and some other thais. They were good. Even though the island was destroyed by the the tsunami it has been completely rebuilt with little shacks, waiting for the next wave. The busyness there encouraged us to move on to Ton Sai, a paradise for climbers.
We'll stay here in Ton Sai a few more days, hopefully climb and deep sea solo, and then head back to phuket to get our last bag and fly to Chiang Mai. Hope y'all are well. The computer here is kinda slow, so that's why there are some spelling mishtakes.

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