Saturday, October 6, 2007

Scientists speak another language

even though it sounds like english, it's not understood by us. This week the lecturer was a American scientist who spoke about creationism. It was interesting to see his perspective on a lot of things, but, I came away with the feeling that I am glad I am not a scientist and that I can kind of communicate with the majority of english speaking peoples.
We also were visited this week by 2 YWAM dancers from Bangkok, who taught us 3 dances that we will use during our outreach events to attract attention to ourselves. 2 are Thai dances, very graceful with lots of hand movements, and 1 is a hip hop dance. It made for a tough week. At 6:30am, we would dance for 30 mins. at 4:30, we would dance for 1.5 hrs. 2 nights we also danced from 7pm-9pm. I spent all my free time this week washing clothes and taking showers. But, it is kinda fun to know these dances (And I use the word "kinda fun" very liberally).
Last weekend we bought 2 bikes. A Gary Fisher and a Trek, each for $300. They're about the same price as in the US. Today, we rode them from the base here. We rode about 12km up a semi paved road through the mountains and countryside. It was beautiful. There were fields of rice, banana trees, some elephants, cliffs, creeks, fog, and a couple little villages with people who looked very different than us.
We found out that we will go to China on Nov. 4. We're excited to check it out.


Tom said...

hey guys just wanted to say its great to be able to read your blog and see what is happening this year at CM DTS... that place is really special to me having done my DTS there and then spent a further two years there on staff, and its also the place where I met my fiancee ;) Its tough not being there this year, but I know God has some other things in store =)

God bless

groove1950 said...

Hi Jonathan and Ashley,

Good to be with you in Chiang Mai. My email is and you can start looking at -- I just noticed the following:

Introduction to Business as Mission Course

Application packs and brochure NOW available - see below

The Business as Mission Team will be offering a 6-week training course on Business as Missions from January 26 to March 8, 2008. This course is designed to equip YWAMers, missionaries, students and business professionals who want to be launched into Business as Mission. The training course will be hosted in Chiang Mai, Thailand due to its central location in proximity to established business as mission projects.

You can also check us out at www. and we can stay in touch. Be happy to bounce things off of you as well. Take care and will chat later.

Steve and Marie Goode