Thursday, March 13, 2008

Top of the World!!!

Top of the World!!!
Tim, Connor, and I (Jonathan) decided to brave the horrific weather, life threatening altitude, low visibility, flesh eating animals and dangerous terrain to climb to the top of the highest mountain in the world, Mt. Lam Lam. We took turns carrying our pack (Connor is 42 pounds and didn’t like walking on the slippery mud) uphill for 2 hours in 90 degree heat. Near the top, visibility was reduced to 10 feet due to the 10 foot tall grass that overgrew the trail. After losing our way and crawling through the jungle, getting attacked by ants and mosquitoes, we found the summit and bravely hiked the last few feet, reaching an altitude of 30,357 feet. We were filled with awe at the view. You could see the entire island of Guam, the ocean, and the jungle we hiked through. We signed the summit register, took some photos, and headed down to reduce the risk of getting altitude sickness.
Mt. Lam Lam is higher than Mt. Everest, if you count from the bottom of the Marianas Trench at the bottom of the Ocean. But, Mt. Lam Lam is only about 1311’ above sea level, which makes it a pretty easy day hike for the family. If you decide to hike the tallest mountain in the world, we recommend sunblock, long sleeve shirt, and most of all, mosquito spray. Connor was covered with mosquito bites on his face, arms and legs.

We had a good last week in Guam. We went snorkeling, saw big seaturtles, sharks, and stingrays at UnderwaterWorld, hiked on the beach and to waterfalls, and ate some good food. We also joined Tim and Joann at the Marriage Enrichment class at church and for a BBQ at the beach with their “Flock Group”. It’s nice to know that even though they don’t have family here, they do have a strong church family to grow with.

The Akha Dorm
Art added an update to the Akha dorm blog. We plan on going to see him soon and can add some more info as well. Please keep him in your prayers as he tries to prepare for the students who will be moving in soon.

Our Plans…
We have now been homeless for 9 months. We have had a lot of fun, seen a lot of cool places, met a lot of people, and learned a lot. We left America expecting that God would lead us each step of the way, and He has been faithful. So, you might be asking, what’s next? Well, that’s a good question, that we have some surprising answers for you, but we want to keep you in suspense for a day or two. In the meantime, check out a few more pictures we added to our Guam photo album.

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