Sunday, June 1, 2008

A few Testimonies of Students from Central Thailand

Looking back over some of our posts, we realized we may not have given y'all a good idea of what it's like to be a Christian in Thailand. Last week we got to hear parts of the testimonies of several students. The faith of these students is amazing. We thought we'd share a couple.

Nam is 21 years old and lives in Nakhon Sawan and studies English at the University. This is his testimony as he told it to me. 6 years ago, he was at school and everyone was bowing down to the idol in the school (it is customary in schools here to have an idol and for the students to have a regular time of "worship" to the idol. Worship being facing the idol, kneeling down, and bowing your head to the idol. The idol is often a gold image of Gautama (the founder of Buddhism) or a famous monk). Nam had grown tired of bowing to this idol, and looked around as everyone bowed and saw one student (out of 2,000) who did not bow. Later he went to this student and asked her why she did not have to bow to this idol. She told him she was a christian and explained some of the gospel to him. Nam was interested, but did not yet believe. He began attending church and learning more about Christianity.

One day, he got in a big argument with his family. After the argument, Nam called his Christian friend and her what he should do. She prayed with him and tried to counsel, but Nam did not feel any better. The next day, still upset over the argument, Nam prayed to God by himself and was filled with an overwhelming peace and a desire/courage to talk through things with his parents. He immediately went and talked with his parents and the argument was solved, and Nam believed that this must have been from God.

He also stopped bowing to the idol at school, and faced opposition from his teachers. He was called to talk with the school director to explain why he does not bow to the idol. His faith was discouraged by teachers and staff, but they did not physically persecute him for his decision.

His family also questioned his decision. For him, telling his family that he is now a christian could be compared to telling your family that you are now homosexual. Often, students who become Christian are cast out of the family, any inheritances removed, and are rejected. But, Nam has been able to keep a good relationship with his family even though they do not agree with his decision. In his words, "My family has not put their faith in the true God YET".

Att, age 21, lives in Lopburi and also studies English at University. His dad died 10 years ago and his mom is a Buddhist Spiritist. She converses/consults spirits on special religious ceremonies.

I'm not sure yet how Att became a Christian, but he has a real faith in God's power over the spirits that his mom believes in. Most boys become a Buddhist monk at the age of 21 for a period of at least a month. They do this to earn merit for their mother. Thai Buddhists believe that the best way for a woman to earn merit is through their son becoming a monk. They literally believe that after death, the mom will "catch" their son's robe which will earn them merit, leading to a better rebirth for the next life.

Last month, Att turned 21 and was under enormous pressure from his mom to become a monk. As her only son, he is her only chance to be reborn in a better position. But, like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, he refused to obey her and bow down even if it meant the loss of her financial support. He tried hard to explain why he can't, but according to

Matthew 9:32,33, 37, Whoever acknowledges me before men, I will also acknowledge him before my Father in heaven. 33But whoever disowns me before men, I will disown him before my Father in heaven. Anyone who loves his father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves his son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me;

Att showed great courage standing up for what he believes. He also shows great courage each night he spends at his mother's house, believing that "He who is in me is greater than he who is in the world" and not fearing the spirits that his mother invites to their house. Praise God that the Lopburi Youth House is here as a place for him to sleep, rest, fellowship, pray, and be encouraged in his walk with God.

Best's dad was arguing with him, telling him to stop hanging out with those Christians so much. Best's response was to listen quietly and respectfully to his dad, and then go take a shower and sing at the top of his lungs in Thai, "I have decided, to follow Jesus". He prayed for his situation, and later his dad backed down a little and has stopped discouraging him from his beliefs.
We heard several other statements of faith or responses to "persecution" from students that really challenge us. These students follow and trust God with all of their heart, and He has made a big difference in their lives. We are excited to be a part of a ministry that is growing men and women who have a real faith and a real desire to reach out to their friends and teachers with the "Good News".

1 comment:

Mr.kraisit said...

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Thank you.
God Bless You.