Monday, July 14, 2008

Bittersweet Goodbye to the Singapore Team

Please, check out our new pictures also. There is much you'll see there that you won't see here.
This was the last week that the Singapore team was here, and it turned out to be a good one. On Saturday, July 5, about 30 students came to the Youth House to hang out and study English. We all taught them and then spent time hanging out with them. Ashley baked a cake with 10 girls and then fed us all. Meanwhile, Off, Pheung, and Tam had many opportunities to talk with students 1 on 1 and study the Bible together.

On Tuesday we went to a nearby town called Phrabaat to help a church reach out to the community. We walked around a nearby village and talked with people, giving them tracts and sharing the gospel. We had many good conversations with people. We were all surprised at how open the people were to talk about the gospel and how interested they were to hear more. We were also excited that 3 students from Phrabaat church joined us and were bold to share their faith with the people we met. It was their first time to evangelize in their hometown and for 2 of them it was their first time ever. Afterwards we returned to the church and watched a 5 on 5 soccer match. The pastor of the church has been organizing soccer teams for several years as a way to build relationships with men. After the soccer match, the players came inside and ate dinner with us. We did a small little performance for them as they ate. We sang a song, performed a skit, shared a testimony, and then Off did a gospel talk. It was a great chance to help this church reach out to its community.

On Wednesday we taught English at 2 schools. The teachers encouraged us to share about our faith and beliefs, so we did. We taught the gospel, shared testimonies, performed skits, and had time to just sit and chat with students. When we returned home, several students were already at the house playing games and took the Singapore team out for ice cream.

Thursday, we taught more English. We were all encouraged by the response we got from students. They listened attentively as we shared the “Color Gospel” about the God who created the world, every persons rebellion from him, His love for us shown by sending Jesus as a sacrifice for us, and the new life we can have in Jesus. There are also several teachers who have been listening closely and asking for more information. While it is a very big change for a Thai Buddhist to believe in 1 true God, we can see God is working in their hearts.
Thursday night we had a Bible Study. The group study I Peter 2:4-10. About 7 christian students were there for the study and 2 more non-christians were happy to sit in and see what was going on.

Friday was the last day for the Singapore Team in Lopburi. In the morning, the 4th Year English Students at the University put on a going away party for the team at the university. They taught us some about their culture and did several performances. They performed Thai Boxing, Traditional Thai Dancing, and cooked Pad Thai, Papaya salad, and several thai desserts for us. It was a fun day. Friday afternoon we had a going away party for the Singapore Team. We were amazed by how many students came to say thank you and goodbye (many bearing cards and gifts). We could see that God had used them in many ways. Here are a few specific ways: to make the Youth House known in the schools as a fun, cool, safe place for students to hang out, to develop strong relationships between many students and the Youth House staff, to share the gospel to many students in an honest, open, and respectable way, to develop good relationships between the Youth House and several influential teachers at different schools (There is an open door for us to come back and teach whenever we have time).

Saturday was a big day for all the Youth Houses because of Youth House on the Road. We rented a tour bus and filled up half of it and left Lopburi at 7:30am. In all we had 16 students and 10 staff. We picked up another 30+ students and staff at the Nakhon Sawan Youth House and then drove to the Phitsanulok Youth House for a big fun day. The day was action packed with eating snacks, playing games, singing worship songs, doing a Bible Study of Psalm 139, and then doing a “Adventure Race” type game. The game was very fun as we had to follow instructions that took us all over campus, singing the Thai National Anthem, taking pictures with campus guards, solving trivia questions, and making balloon models of all the staff. It was a great time for all the students to get to know each other and the staff and to learn more about God and how he created us. Everyone loaded up the bus around 5:30 to return home, but we said our good byes and stayed in Phitsanulok for a few days.

Our good friends Jesse and Kristen Troll and their daughter Trinia just moved from Lopburi to Phitsanulok to work at the Phitsanulok Youth House. They are staying in a 4 story shop house right next to the Youth House. But, the house needs a lot of cleaning and preparing before it can be called a home, so we volunteered to stay and help watch Trinia and clean.

Please keep us in your prayers that we can keep the momentum going now that the Singapore team is gone.


lovethailand08 said...

bittersweet goodbye to J-dub and aree and the whole of the lopburi youth house team too.

thank you so much for everything, for loving us and taking care of us, and showing us so many new things. Its been such a tremendously great experience the past month. i have been so touched by your hard work and joy and faithfulness in serving the Lord. may the Lord continue to bless u greatly so tt all of u can be a blessing to the Thais.

have fun hiking today(:(:(: love all of u!!

in His love,

ps. no more pillow fight pls, jon needs his rest:p

Gloria said...

Happy Birthday! I love you! Love, Your big sis :)

lovethailand08 said...


with lotsa love from andrew(: