Monday, September 8, 2008

Laos trip

Last week we had a whirlwind trip to Laos to renew our visa. The best way to check it out is to view our pics here. We sipped wine, danced aerobics, renewed our thai visa, and toured around vientiane for 2 days and then spent 2 days adventuring in Vang Viang. Vang Viang is a beautiful place, rivaling any place we've been before. We were able to communicate with locals as well, because Lao language is similar to thai.
The people were very friendly and laid back (except the drunk westerners) despite the poverty. The infrastructure in Laos is comparable to Thailand 50 years ago.
Check out our pictures for more info.


Anonymous said...

Really enjoyed looking at your pictures! hugs, Ginger

Jonathan and Ashley Wallace said...

We've enjoyed seeing Christian's pics too! Hope we can see you all 3 at Christmas!
xoxo, Ashley