Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Goodbye Thailand, Hello USA

Hello from Hermann, Missouri. After many tears and sad goodbyes to many friends who feel like family to us, we left Thailand on Nov. 7. We were in Thailand for 1 year and 3 months and are amazed at how much has happened. Please check out our pictures for more info as well.
  • We completed a YWAM Discipleship Training School, growing in our personal relationship with Jesus Christ and experiencing and learning many unique things.
  • We worked at the Lopburi Youth House, reaching out to students aged 14-22 with the love of Jesus Christ in many different ways.
  • We visited beautiful waterfalls, climbed, biked, motorbiked, took 12 hour trains and buses, and slept in a Buddhist temple as we explored all of Thailand and even visited Laos and China.
  • We taught English and we learned Thai language.
  • We experienced it all, fun times, hard times, challenging personal growth, seeing God working in our lives and in those around us. Through it all we have seen that He is truly faithful to those who follow Him and that every step of faith we took was rewarded by Him. We want to encourage you to seek Him with all your heart and to trust Him with all your ways. Even in these hard economic times, to remember that He gives strength to all who hope in Him. Now is a good time to remember that it is God who we trust, not money.

Last week we visited Ashley’s Dad in Kansas City. We cooked lots of food, cleaned the kitchen, ran and climbed together, and prayed together. Even in this very difficult time for them, God has blessed them in many ways. We continue to pray that He will provide strength for each day.
Now we are visiting Ashley’s Mom for Thanksgiving. It is great to be reunited with family and to share our stories from Thailand and catch up on all that we missed.
On December 8 we will visit Jonathan’s family in North Carolina.
As for what we’ll do next, we know that we should live each day as Christ’s Ambassadors, sharing Christ’s love with those around us. We are also reminded to “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, make your requests to God. And let the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, guard your hearts and minds through Christ.” Phillipians 4:6
We pray that you have a blessed Thanksgiving. Click here for pics of our time in the USA, and here for our pics of our going away party in thailand

1 comment:

Angela said...

I miss y'all so much! Hopefully, at some point in our lives we can live withina few hours of each other.