Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Good News and a New Generation for Christ Video

Art's ministry, New Generation for Christ is now a certified ministry of YWAM (Youth With a Mission), and so we can make tax deductible donations to him through YWAM (more info on that coming). We also have a video of our friend Art's ministry to teenage Akha guys in Northern Thailand. It's a quick overview of the Akha people in general and Art's goals for this ministry. There is more info on his website, www.akhadorm.blogspot.com.

Here is a recent email from Art about what has been going on at the New Generation for Christ.

The students here they are doing well. They are growing in faith and understand more the love of God. They are learning how to please God and what is the right attitude of worshiping God. I’m so glad to see them growing and walking in him. I’m so glad that God guides me in this way. I really want to be his tool that he able to use me to bless other people. I just want to say thank you so much for being apart of Gods ministry. I can’t do this with out the part of body Christ. They will take exam next week and school break for three months so they think that maybe find some job to make money, and next term about three more students coming to live with us.

( Apa) one of our student here will graduated this term so, he will be going to Chiness Bible college near by Chiangrai. So please pray for him and about new students that coming in.

The helper ( Lawpee) is going back home today for getting identity card, Hey! God is answering our prayer, he can get ID card. (LawPee has been praying for a Thai ID card for many years so that he can travel freely. He has spent many days in prison because he does not have one. Many akha in Thailand do not have an ID card because they recently immigrated from Laos or Burma because of oppression.) God helps him walk through this kind of hard situation by the grace of God. Lawpee share that he had learned a lot from God especially about trusting God, God has a good plan for each of us even though some time the way is look like so hard but if we trust him with the whole heart; he will come in the right time. Do not give up even the situation make us down sometime.

I’m glad to see him growing and can be blessing to other students.

Please continue to pray for him that he will love God more than yesterday, pray for the wisdom that he able to share the love of God to students. Pray for finance cause he doesn’t has from any. He really has the heart of serving God.

This year we have been praying together with the students here about the land for the ministry. So, we pray that we want the land for the ministry because we do not want to rent the house any more, we do not want to lose money for renting house (and they would like to farm rice, vegetables, fruit, and fish to make the ministry more sustainable). And if God wills we want to have some.
Please pray for this, Thank you so much for being a part of God’s ministry.

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