Friday, July 20, 2007

Squamish, Canada

We just left Squamish Canada, the outdoor capital of Canada. It was beautiful. The place is known mostly for it’s climbing, but also has great mountain biking, kayaking, cliff jumping, hiking, and camping. Sounds great for us, right. Well, Squamish also gets about 80 inches of rain per year, and even though july is supposed to be pretty dry, Squamish was covered in clouds and mist and rain the entire time we were there. The sun came up long enough for us to boulder a little and then climb 1 route. It was a little disappointing to look at all the big cliffs and soaked bike trails and not be able to use them.
We did happen to bump into Dave, a friend of Jonathan’s from Boulder. Dave now lives in Durango and got to Squamish the same night we got there with his friend Timmy. Dave and Timmy are a unique combination, which provided us with non-stop entertainment. They were constantly changing into ridiculous costumes, making fun of each other, throwing coffee grinds at each other, and anything else that they thought might pass the time.
After hearing that the forecast called for 5 more days of rain, we decided to pack up and leave and head towards Banff National Park. We added a few more pictures to the Picasa site again.

Clash Alert
Jonathan is pushing the limit of the maximum allowed different blue shades in one outfit, consistantly! See our photos for evidence....

Car Update
Our power steering fluid is still leaking. It got a little better once we got out of the heat of Idaho, but it’s still leaking. We took our car to a repair shop in squamish and found out that our racks & pinions were leaking, and that it would cost $1100 dollars and would be a week before they got the part. So, off we went, with a few more bottles of power steering fluid.

The Budget
Many discussions were had about our budget for this road trip, especially among our Colorado friends. Well, the budget has worked pretty well as a guideline. We did even better than our budget while back East, thanks to the hospitality of a lot of family and friends. The budget has worked well the last few weeks while camping as well. Campsites have been cheaper than expected, and, of course, we’ve spent more money at gas stations than hoped.

1 comment:

Mom and Dad said...

Too bad about the weather and the car problem... but sounds like you are still having fun. The weather here cooled down and is nice. Dad's working overtime, but we still enjoyed a nice bikeride this evening and some homemade pecan pie! Its been awhile! We love you all.