Sunday, January 20, 2008

Hello Again

We made it through another week in Li!!!! We have 2 weeks left here, then we will go back to school in Chiang Mai for a week. Then our school is finished! We are excited to get our freedom back. The school has been great for us, but we do miss making our own decisions and having some free time.
We have some short term plans for what we'll do after this school is over. We plan on spending about a week in Chiang Rai to visit Art and the House of Joy. Then we'll go to Guam to visit Tim and Joann for 3 weeks. After that, we have no set plans. We have some ideas, but that's it. We want to visit Vietnam and Laos, so we'll probably spend some time traveling through those places.
This week in Li we taught some more English at the schools. Sunday at Church, Jonathan "preached" for about 30 minutes about the Temple of God and the Church. God's temple is now in each of the hearts of those who believe in Jesus and repent from their sins. God promises to send his Holy Spirit into your heart, so that your heart is now the temple of God. This is very different from the buddhists here, who build a temple on every corner (almost) and wear a buddha necklace and build a little spirit house outside their house for their gods to live in. But, we don't have to do that, because the true God makes his home in us. Also, we talked about the church and that it does not mean a building or a meeting on sunday morning, but that it means a gathering of Christians to talk about what Jesus and what he is doing in our lives.
It was a stretching experience, but as a result we are now going to have "church" at someones house almost every day this week.
God Bless You all this week,
Jonathan & Ashley

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