Sunday, January 27, 2008

It's Raining

Here are a few pictures from our time in Li. The first one is Ashley with Mango, See, and Am. These 3 girls spend a lot of time at the church, mostly because they can play computer there.

The second pic is a picture of some adults playing musical chairs at one of the churches we visited. We stayed for a day and played games and ate with the people there to encourage them. It was very funny watching these people play a game. 1 man was obviously drunk, but he was hilarious.

The 3rd pic is of Tim teaching some English at a school. This school let us have story time, so Tim taught the story of Jonah and the whale. Here, Tim is the whale and is about to swallow the little kid (Jonah).

The 4th picture is us performing the "Heart" drama at the Christmas/New Years celebration. I am trying to convince ashley to give me her heart by doing pushups or a handstand. When she finally does give me her heart, I throw it down and break it. Then, Ashley picks up the broken pieces and gives it to God, who heals her heart and gives it back to her. Luckily, it's just a drama (I would never really stomp on her heart).

Today, Ashley and I decided to go for a walk. Monday is our 1 free day in the week, so we bought some food and started walking towards the hills. We had a nice time walking and eating bamboo sticky rice (our favorite snack, it's sticky rice cooked with sugar and condensed milk inside a bamboo stalk). We stopped to talk and eat our fried rice, fried bananas, and oranges. Then, a miracle happened. For the first time since November it rained. Actually, it was probably the first clouds in the sky since November.
It was nice. We found a little abandoned shelter to sit under. It reminded us of a rainy day in Colorado. The rain cleared up long enough for us to walk back home.
Now, we're in a internet shop, with loud music blasting all around us. The internet shops are the happening places in Thailand. The kids pack them and play computer games all day long. They turn on some music, and then lose themselves in some kind of game. It's kindof sad, you ask almost any boy here what they like to do, and they say "play computer". The girls, they either like to play games or to chat online with random people.
This is our last week here. If you haven't emailed us lately, send us one. We'd love to hear from you and soon we'll actually have time to email back.

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