Friday, March 21, 2008

We Made It!!!

After travelling to Chiang Mai, Chiang Dao, Chiang Rai, and back to Chiang Mai, we finally packed our bags and headed to Lopburi. And, when we say packed our bags, we packed a lot of stuff. After being in Thailand for 6 months we had accumulated a lot of things; bikes, helmets, books, clothes, stuff. But we fit it all into 6 bags (minus bikes) and rented a songthaew to take us to the train station.

The Train Ride
It is a 12 hour train ride from Chiang Mai to Lopburi, and because the trains were full, we had to take a train that left at 2:50pm, arrived at 2:50am, and didn't have A/C. It did have convertable chair/beds, a fan and a window. For the first few hours, we hung our heads out the window and sweated, but then it cooled off and we enjoyed our ride through Thailand. We even got to sleep some.

Finally at 2:50 am, we ran off the train with our bags (barey able to fit through the doors), ran down to the cargo train to get our bikes (very glad that they were still there), and took a seat. Shortly after, our new friend Caroline picked us up, and took us to the Lopburi Youth House where we will be staying the next few days. We'll look for a more permanent place to stay, meet the OMF team in Lopburi, and start studying Thai.
We added some more pictures as well.

1 comment:

faceunveiled said...

Really great news, sounds exciting! We've never been to central Thailand... maybe we'll have to come visit you all sometime once you've settled in a bit!