Saturday, July 26, 2008

Our God is Great

Just a quick update, and also a reminder to check out our new pictures & videos on picasa. We have descriptions on our pictures that tell the story of what we're doing also.
The last 2 weeks we returned from Phitsanulok, celebrated Jonathan's 29th Birthday by climbing and eating some brownies. We had several activities at the Youth House with students, and then went to Nakhon Sawan for 3 Staff Training Days. The days in Nakhon Sawan were filled with Fellowship, Prayer, Worship, Celebrations, sharing what God is doing with students in Central Thailand, and preparing for the future. 2 big things we are preparing for are an Evangelistic Camp on August 15-17 in Nakhon Sawan and several short mission trips in October.

We hope to have around 120 students come to the camp this summer for around $8/person. The theme will be centered around the Olympics. We'll have several competitions, opening and closing ceremonies, and we'll use the colors of the Olympics to share the gospel of Jesus Christ. The rings of the Olympics are Green, Blue, Black, Red, and Yellow.
Green represents God is the creator of everything.
Black represents man's sin and rebellion from God.
Blue represents God as a Holy God, perfect and loving.
Red represents God's love for us, shown by sending His son Jesus, who died on the cross so that our sins may be washed clean. Red also represents Jesus blood, shed as a sacrifice once for all of us.
Yellow represents as our new life as children of the King, and the promise of eternal life in heaven with streets of gold.

This week, Off and Pheung went to Chiang Mai to visit family, but God has been good and has given us strength, energy, and just enough language between us and Tam to communicate with each other and with students. Tam led a fun bible study of I Peter 2:11-25. We took students downtown and played sports and ate at the market. Saturday morning, we taught about 25 students a little english as we played games and baked cookies. God has provided many opportunities to develop relationships better and to study the Bible with christian and non-christian students. Several students are good guitar players and enjoy singing worship songs also. Many of the students we have seen recently are interested in going to camp.

Keep us in your prayers for the activities here, preparations for the camp, and for the students to grow closer to Jesus.


lovethailand08 said...

ohhh so super 'home'-sick looking at all the pics and stuffs that's been going on! Great to see Pang in so many pics! And wow you guys handled 25 students! Amazing!

Will keep you guys in prayer! Am super missing you all at the YH!


lovethailand08 said...

haha, YAY! an update! both of you are more hardworking than off and peung. but den didnt noe they were in Chiang mai.

i see you all re-arranged the furniture...

the usage of the olympic colours for the colour gospel is a really gd idea! haha, now the students can always remember wat the colours represented when the watch the olympic matches in progress.

oh wow! 25 students, without the help of off and peung, u 2 are amazing(: *salutes*

hee, all the best in Lop YH! keep persevering!!! love and miss you both tons

in His love,

Jonathan and Ashley Wallace said...

Thanks so much for your encouragement, "Team Sinapore"! Everyone misses you here and still looks at your pictures and talk about you..."they taught me this song, etc".
Best of luck with studies and all!

PS-Michelle is back in Singapore also now;-)
Ash & Jon