Friday, June 8, 2007

Rocky Top Retreat, The New River Gorge

We're sitting on a picnic table at Roger's Rocky Top Retreat Campground at the New River in WV. We just saw a beautiful sunset and are relaxing feeling like bums. Jonathan used to camp here 10 years ago when he started climbing, and Roger remembered him and all the friends he used to climb with.

We've had a good time the past 2 days biking, climbing, swimming and bouldering at the local spots. Jason Marshal just met up with us this morning. He's a fun guy and challenges Jonathan a little especially since he's 6ft4! The atmosphere at the campsite is really laid back. Many climbers come here for the easy access to the climbing, cheap nights stay but most of all for Roger's quirky personality. He lives here and jokes around with everyone sharing tall tales, trash talk, beta on climbs, the weather and any other topic. Yesterday after hearing about Ashley's efforts to avoid poison ivy, oak and sumac he warned her that there's just no way to avoid it, it's everywhere...YIKES!!! However she's still trying with alcohol pads, sanitizer and showers that makes us stand apart from the rest of the stinky dirt bag climbers. Jonathan's even taken more showers in the last week than ever.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Could you tell me how to get to this camping ground ??? Were going to climb there in a few days and while searching for camping over the internet I turned out to your site!