Saturday, June 2, 2007

WE'RE BUMS!!!!!!

Yes, we are now homeless & jobless, living out of BamBam (our car). Thanks to a lot of y'alls help, we gave away alot of our stuff and put the rest of it in our storage shed or our car. We both quit work May 23. We sold our house May 25. And, now we're in Michigan visiting family. Thank you so much to those of you who have helped us and encouraged us. We have been blessed by many of you. It has been amazing how God has been with us every step of the way for the last year as we visited Thailand, sold our house, quit jobs, and a lot of other steps that have all gone soo smoothly. He has definitely grown our faith & trust in Him.

We have had a good time so far, despite surviving 3 hailstorms, a lot of rain, ashley losing her cell phone (my # is 720 335 1418), not getting cell phone service at all in South Dakota, getting less than 20mpg driving through South Dakota, and gas at 3.69/gallon. We've had a great time visiting family and drinking 5cent coffee & 99 cent donuts in the world famous Wall Drug store in SD.

Be sure to check our pictures at the link over there and also don't forget that you can subscribe to this blog so that it emails you when we update it.
God Bless You,
Jonathan & Ashley

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