Thursday, June 28, 2007


We're now in the Florida Keys,visiting uncle Jerry & aunt Jean. We went snorkeling yesterday and Ashley saw a 6ft Nurse Shark swim right underneath her. I swam over to see what she was screaming about and saw a large barracuda, staring us down. I've never seen Ashley swim so fast back to the boat.

We got here monday night. We've been sea kayaking, snorkeling, hog-fishing (fishing with a hand line and live shrimp inside your glove, while snorkeling) and today we went deep sea fishing for dolphin fish. We caught about 20 small dolphin fish, none big enough to keep but we had a fun time catching em. On the way back, we fished some more and caught enough snapper to feed us all for dinner.

We had a great time in Fayetteville. We relaxed and spent some quality time with friends and family. We had a blast 4wheeling with mike & gloria. We also spent a few days at the beach and surfed, canoed in the cape fear ocean, and played in the sand with our nieces & nephews (Lauren, Ali, Wesley, Elijah and Isaiah). Ashley & Elijah got stung by a little jellyfish, but were tough (the sting is comparable to a wasp sting).

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