Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Fayetteville, NC

We're Home!!! just kidding, but it's nice to be at my parents house with a real bed and a place to put our stuff (besides our car). We need to clean out the car soon cause it stinks like ashley's shoes.
We posted some pictures of our trip. http://picasaweb.google.com/jowallac/EastCoastRoadTrip
Yesterday we helped put up a pool at Gloria's (my sister) house. Hopefully it stands up. If not, we'll have 5 energetic & disappointed nieces & nephews to deal with. Gloria & Mike's new house in Raeford is really nice, much more fitting for a family of 7 than their old home. We also made them grilled cheese for lunch, which consisted of using 1.5 loaves of bread & a ton of cheese. A loaf of bread lasts us about a week, but for them, it lasts, 1 MEAL.


sazuki3 said...

your missed already!!!!

Jonathan and Ashley Wallace said...

We miss you and everyone at Flatirons Middle School Ministry very much! Our prayers are with you all.